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Who We Are
ERHA is a student organization at Emory University dedicated to promoting reproductive health and rights awareness through community outreach, research, and fundraising, both locally and globally. Our executive board is made up of graduate students from the Rollins School of Public Health.


What We Believe

Our members believe that ensuring reproductive health and rights of women, men, and children is essential to the reduction of health disparities around the world.


​What We Do

The purpose of ERHA is to increase awareness of current local and global reproductive health issues through educational outreach and events. We also fundraise and support various reproductive causes, including the Global Elimination of Maternal Mortality due to Abortion (GEMMA) fund, an initiative to support graduate student research on the topic.


Given the interdisciplinary nature of public health, the pressing need to address issues in sexual and reproductive health at the local and global levels, and the mounting student interest in reproductive health activism as a public health issue, we believe this conference about policy is filling a crucial need.


The overarching goal of this conference is to highlight the work being done Emory-wide and across the local and global communities to address the intersections of sexual and reproductive health and policy, emphasizing the link between research, policy, and practice.


We hope that conference attendees will gain a greater understanding of the intersection between sexual and reproductive health and policy, as well as learn skills and strategies on how to tackle these issues in their field.


​Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact us using the form below, or by emailing


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